Having a parent or loved one with any form of dementia in never easy. It comes with a continual sadness over the loss of the person you once new. The holidays can be a particularly difficult time to deal with this reality, but that is nothing compared to the difficulty you may fear by having your loved one visit during this season. With that in mind, I’m posting the following quick guide to make these experiences easier on the both of you.
1. The General Rules Still Apply
There are some best-practices employed by elder care providers, and these should be continued while your loved one is in your care. This is particularly important when visiting you because the environment may seem foreign to your loved one, increasing anxiety as well as the risk of disorientation. These practices include:
- Sticking to your loved one’s regular routine as much as possible
- Being mindful of hygiene, but also respect your loved one’s privacy
- Allowing your loved one do the activities that they can ordinarily do with safety
- Avoiding being domineering or expressing frustration, where possible